Reference Pages

Monday 17 February 2020

WIP: Ferretti's New Buster

As a result of deciding to go back to mecha gaming in 15mm, because of the variety of the infantry available for the smaller mecha was too limited for my needs, I'm having to make larger models of the main character mecha.

Oh the hardship. Woe is me! This is the latest instantiation of combat armor suits to represent Ferretti's Buster to match Tachikoma's Dog.

This time a conversion of an old RAFM Heavy Gear Grizzly to represent an Air Force Security Force Buster: CAS-C4P: Combat Armor System Dash C4 (Command, Control, Communication & Computer), Model P.


  1. Loved following these builds of your own characters. Have you managed a game with them all yet? That is something I'd like to see.



    1. Me too! But two obstacles. First, I'm lacking in players, though that could change. Second, I would probably want to write my own rules, which again is doable.

  2. It's great that you've got the RAFM scale VHAC there and definitely a good idea to pin that sucker! :) You are wiser than me. I appreciate you the measurements on the hunter. Just to double check, that was without the base, correct? I'm working on an updated Grizzly 3d model as well from the defunct PC game so hopefully will preview that an the hunter soon. I think they'll look great in RAFM scale but I'm more concerned with how they'll turn out in Blitz scale. I've increased the relative proportions of the arms, weapons, and hands to give them more of a typical gorilla look common in that scale but not to the point where they'll look bad at RAFM scale either.

    1. Just to confirm, the measurements were from the bottom of the foot.
