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Thursday 8 February 2018

MARPACE First Squad Primed

Taken with my Olympus 7-14mm F2.8 Pro, at 7mm, F8, 1.3 secs, ISO 200. Crop from 64 megapixel Hi-Res shot.

And beside doing K'kree Centaurs,  I've also gotten one MARPACE squad primed and black lining done for the shadows. These are the Clear Horizon 15mm Epsilon base and heavy support squads miniatures, which are absolutely gorgeous miniatures.

Finding time, or more to the point when I have a spare hour I don't always have the inclination to paint, so things are going very slowly on my work bench. And, at this point, I seem to be in that 'everything is in the process of being finished' rather than things are finished. There's probably a German word to describe this state of being.

And for those of you who don't follow my writing blog, it's the writing and publishing that has taken up all my time. Currently, I'm writing what started off as a short story about a cybertank, which is turned into s series of novelettes about what I'm calling the second Russian civil war, set circa 2038.

It has cybertanks, power armour, General Winter, vodka, and depression. I jest, it's all fun.


  1. Wow, I didn't zoom in on the pic and it doubles as camo at that scale/first glance. I think that's a good thing personally...
