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Sunday 24 December 2017

Christmas 2017

The tree is up just in time for Christmas. I can truthfully say that there is little in the way of wargaming goodies under the tree this year, primarily down to having to sacrifice a lot of my hobby time for my writing. But weep not, I did get my Jovian Wars KickStarter, and I'm not short of a few shiny things to make and paint. Short of time, but not stuff.

And that I thinks sums up the year. Not enough time to everything I want or need to do.

So, let me wish you all a very Merry Christmas or other suitable salutation for this winter holiday, where I shall be taking some time out to work on the models on my bench.


  1. And a very happy Christmas to you!

  2. I didn't know you pledged for that (or possibly forgot!). Congrats on getting some figs under the tree! Hope you both had a merry Christmas and have a happy New Year.

    1. I had a good day, and I hope you did too.

      Of course, having models to make is not the same as having the time to make and paint them.
