Reference Pages

Friday 23 June 2017

RAFM Mambas

Until recently I only had two Mambas.  One a brawler variant and the other was less than complete: no head and engine.  Now I have two more: a Black Mamba and a Snake Eye Mamba.  So, it looks like I have the elements of support squad.

Having taken the above pictures, because pictures are proof, you will have to take it on trust that I find I now have a shoe box size box full of Heavy Gear miniatures.  I am blessed, and clearly going to live forever, because that's how long it will take me to assemble and paint all of my acquisitions at the rate I work.

PS: It has been hot this week and I've felt drained by the heat, which must be a sign of something, like the need to be on a beach enjoying the sun, going for a swim in the cool sea, and afterwards having a cool drink.


  1. Welcome to the shoebox club! :) Congrats on yet another haul. The stealth suit should make a varied addition to your collection in terms of gameplay.

    1. Stealth suit: I guess this means I need to go away and read something?

    2. Yes, otherwise you won't know how to incorporate it into the rules you're writing.

      (Come on, if you don't, I'm going to have to have another bash, and nobody wants that.)

    3. Yes but, my suits have Chameleonflage stealth capabilities as standard.

    4. I know there are rules for stealth/camo in the LRB but I'd be lying if I said I was actually familiar with the actual mechanics. In the old blitz rules, there was a difference between just a camo net on a gear and full stealth capabilities. The snakeeye is supposed to have radar absorbant material coating on the armor, rubberized wheels and electric v-engine to lessen generated noise, black paint, etc to be a full stealth gear. I don't know if you want to make it another better level of stealth if you have the ability standard in your rules.

    5. I'm disinclined to do so, my feeling is to make stealth standard and penalize those units that are not built to spec i.e.: rules wise start at the best and remove, rather than build what works and add things to improve it that will break the system.

  2. Yeah, the heat was overwhelming where I live too.
    Luckily it started raining yesterday 😊.

    These additions are going to make it that more easier to play some interesting games with your forces. These two sides seem to be growing together when it comes to size.
    I guess I'm going to need at least two lifetimes to paint up everything I collected, so I can relate when it comes to that 😁.

    1. Raining here now too.

      Sympathize with the painting.

  3. Out of curiosity, what is considered unbearable heat in the UK? I've had some humorous discussions with a Canadian friend about what constitutes extreme whether on both ends of the spectrum.

    1. Last week's 34.5c was a level 3 heat wave, four is the highest the government goes to.

  4. Yeah, that's hot. In the desert when I visited Arizon and Nevada, 94 F (the equivalent) was quite pleasant but it definitely worsens as the humidity increases and if you don't have air conditioning (which from my limited experience isn't standard in many European mainland homes.. not sure about the UK though).

    The reason I was asking was because the Canadian friend I mentioned said that in his region the weather alerts telling the old and infirm to stay indoors and warning everyone to hydrate start at 26 C whereas -5 C is considered just sweater weather.
