Reference Pages

Friday 28 April 2017

Southern Army Assembles

I have scored seven Southern Jagers and one more Northern Hunter off eBay.  I've gone from not having enough models for a full squad to being able to make up two squads, which means I now have a Southern Milicia force to face my Northern Guard.  I can't begin to tell you all how insanely happy this makes me, and here I was thinking I'd never get into Heavy Gear, what with being the old BattleTech grognard that I am.

And here are the other pictures from the RAFM catalogue of Southern Gears I found online, with a list of all the models issued.  Again, those listed in bold are those I've managed to get hold of.

Jager 1300
Blitz Jager 130 

(I have two)
Black Mamba 1302
Long Fang Black Mamba 1303

Iguana 1304
Blitz Iguana 1305
Spitting Cobra 1306
Striking Cobra 1307

Stone Mason 1308

Fire Jager 1309

(I have two)
Snakeye Black Mamba 1310

(I have one coming)
Support Cobra 1311

RazorFang Black Mamba 1312

King Cobra 1313
Light Artillery 1314

Number apparently not used 1315
Standard Infantry 1316 

(not shown)
Heavy Infantry 1317 

(not shown)

Recon Infantry 1318

Sniper Infantry 1319
Chameleon 1322  

(not shown)
Barbed Fang 1323  

(not shown)
Black Box Iguana 1324 

(not shown)

Jager Recon 1325 

(not shown, but I have six)
Artillery Cobra 1326 

(not shown, but I have one)

Lidded Iguana 1327 

(not shown)
Spitting Mamba 1328 

(not shown)
Armored Jager 1329 

(not shown, but I have one)

"Azure Devils" Box 2051

(not shown)
Naga Strider 2054

(not shown)
Hun Tanks 2056 

(not shown)

So as before, I have a plan, which is to finish painting my Northern Guard before moving on to make up a squad of Southern Gears.  After that I'm thinking of going back and making up my Grizzly, Jaguar Firestarter and Mammoth Northern Gears.  I now have a box full of old RAFM Gears, a veritable lead mountain, stashed away for a rainy day.


  1. I suspect you now have more models than I do! :) Congrats and welcome to the shoebox full of rafm HG club. Did you end up bidding/winning that Rafm tank auction?

  2. If you play the old HG that's going to be plenty to get a few games in. With quite some variant options to keep it interesting.

    1. Absolutely, though I'm currently being tempted by another eBay auction. So there my be more.

  3. Replies
    1. They are, pity I didn't get the other bunch that were on eBay.

  4. Ashley, sorry to use this post to contact you, but I came across a blog that had photographs of small hex terrain being used for Battletec and thought they would interest you. I think they are positioned at numbers 7 and 8 in the post. Link ....

    1. Nice to see the old Heroscape terrain being used.
