Reference Pages

Monday 6 February 2017

More BattleTech Alpha Strike Pictures

These are a selection of the pictures that were not used in Miniature Wargames magazine the other month for the Alpha Strike article.  Atlas versus Locusts is in my mind the classic BattleTech what if fight.

I supplied a lot of duplicate shots for the article, as in featuring the same mechs, but from a different angle to the pictures shown here.  These are I think the best versions.  House Steiner quads moving into a flank attack.

Though I can see why the picture above wasn't used, because it doesn't have a central focus to the action, it catches the swirling mech-on-mech action that Alpha Strike can deliver.

However, I really liked the picture of the two Locusts advancing, even if there isn't really a lot else going on in the picture.  So now I get my chance to show it.

Again this picture composition is a bit lacking, but House Steiner and industrial mechs with infantry milling around their feet says BattleTech.  I hope you all have enjoyed this small peak into the assignment I undertook, and thank you for taking the time to look.

And that's all folks.


  1. Great looking game! The sheer mass of unseen mechs really fires my Nostalgia. The WWI era camo patterns really stand out well.

    1. And I really must get around to finishing my Kurita force, which is being done in a French jigsaw pattern.

  2. Outstanding miniatures!! The pics are splendid! Cheers!

    1. Thank you that's so nice of you to say so.

  3. I like the eye level shot / composition of the two locusts amongst the buildings, but I think the depth of field needs to change to either, going deeper so that the background is also understood and brought into te scene or bringing the two locust models a bit closer together and going with a shallower DOF, so that the background is blurred and smoothed out more out more.

    The lighting is spot on and helps convey mood and all the subtle variations in colour and tone. I have seen some over-processed pics in MW, but the impression that I got from the published pictures were that MW had not felt the need to process them them further, so they must have been very happy with what they got from you. I think if anything, the detail and texture in the shots deserved More space.

    1. Thank you for the constructive criticism, and I think you're right. More depth of field needed.

  4. Ashley, sorry, I have just read that back to myself and it sounds like I some kind of photo critic who knows what they are on about :-) I hope you see the remarks as just one camera enthusiast (who in fact doesn't take remarkable pictures) to another. I always take a deeper look at your shots because I know you have nice kit and that you care about what you do with it. Cheers Norm.

    1. As you can tell by my reply I was not offended in any way, shape or form. Thank you again for taking the time to comment. It's most appreciated.

  5. Very nice pictures. My favorite one in the batch is the one with the Locusts advancing up the street as well.

    1. It does have something about it: the intent to misbehave and create mayhem.
