Reference Pages

Friday 2 September 2016

My Truck

I own a classic military vehicle.  I mention this, not because it has any great wargaming relevance, because lets face it a M1009 CUCV radio truck is hardly likely to be the central attraction of a wargame, but because of an article on fuel consumption.  My partner was reading a piece comparing modern cars, and trucks, claimed mileage per gallon versus the actual miles per gallon.

As was her wont, she then thought about my truck, and went off and found figures for it.

Would it surprise you to know that my 1984 Chevrolet Blazer with a 6.2 litre V8 diesel has a better mileage than a smaller modern Land Rover.  Also, officially my truck produces 160hp, at the wheels where it counts, and though the official figures are 19 mpg, probably because I'm an old biddy who potters around town, I record 22 mpg.

Who would have thought that a 32-year-old classic car would be greener than a new car with all the whizzy toys?

Also, it's worth remembering that if one is going to go on about being green, then one has to factor in the carbon cost of making the car.  A first order approximation being that the resources used to make the vehicle are equivalent to the amount of fuel the car will consume in 100,000 miles.

Ironically, cars that are more economical will need to go further than this.  I mention this because my truck is now standing at 99,902 miles on the clock, which also means the engine is probably just about run in.

So not only is it painted green, but it's pretty green to run, as time adds a certain quality when a vehicle is still soldiering on after 32 years, because the biggest cost is building it.  Besides which it carries all our gear when we go off to do archery practice on Saturday.


  1. Conventionally aspirated diesel is pretty good in general - I still miss the engine on my first car, even if there were some motorway gradients where you had to plan a couple of miles ahead.

    My current car does a lot better than 22mpg, but it doesn't need to ford rivers, cross boggy ground, go up 45° hills, etc.

    Your challenge now is to create a scenario in which the radio truck is a key objective.

  2. I rode in a bunch of different versions of these. We used them for radio and light truck mortar carriers.

    Please tell me you have the 24v system - great for cold winter starts. :)

    1. I do. She's an ex-USAF Upper Heyford vehicle, and has the radios too.

  3. 22 MPG! My car in the UK does 50-60 MPG. Diesel is also more polluting. Do you really need a car like this?

    1. I guess you're not a member of a classic vehicle or military vehicle club or interested in military re-enactment and living history. So of course you wouldn't need my truck. However, I am a member of the Military Vehicle Trust and into re-enactment and living history.

  4. As a transplant to the South of the US, let me say that your vehicle would not stand out too much even with your archery gear in the back on a quick run for snacks to the grocery store. If you ever want to drive incognito in it (I imagine it gets a fair share of attention on UK roads!), you could always take it for a spin in the ol' Confederacy. :)

  5. I see you also got the jumper cables ready to go, as it's got the dual battery 24V system? Also does the tailgate window work? All the Army ones were broken.
    Oh, and if you need, I have a spare key to your truck, as all of the ignitions for the 1098 and 1099 models used basic GM Series 1098/1099 Key Blanks... :-)

    1. The tailgate rear window needs looking at, as it only partly opens, and currently the tailgate mechanism is jammed, but she's soon for her annual service and this will be sorted out. As for keys, I'm good, but thank you for your kind offer.

  6. Do you own a miniature version of this truck?
