Reference Pages

Thursday 15 October 2015

Editing of Interest


I've been a bit remiss in posting blogs of late.  So here's a picture of a recent score.  Heavy Gear Fighter; a card game for battling with Gears.

Apart from this I've been working on my novel.  I'm at that stage where things are moving forward and my full attention has been focused on editing my work. And when not writing, watching Person of Interest and Orphan Black.

I do actually have articles lined up, but they either need a lot of work to write up the notes, or finish painting the figures, or taking pictures of said figures, which is why you've not seen much from me.  However, this weekend I'm off to St. Albans for the Lardy Game Day, which I will write up for next week.

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice score as the original HG product. I never bought/played it myself but I remember seeing it on shelves and being intrigued by the art. The VHS tape box is a dead giveaway that it's a classic product as well, lol.
