Reference Pages

Friday 6 March 2015

The Fleet from Above

On their first showing I received a request to show the ships from above.  I'm happy to now be able to do so.  Hopefully this will enable people to see the shapes of the ships more clearly, despite being cunningly photographed on a green cutting map where their camouflage colours break up their shape.

As a reminder the four long slim ships are part of my cruiser squadron, the two big ships with drive pods are my main battleships, the fleet tender and the two smaller corvettes  are representatives from the supply squadron and destroyer squadron.  I've still got to get around to refurbishing the other six models of this fleet, which is delayed because I'm busy re-writing my novel the progress of which you can follow here.

Today also saw the arrival of my desert mat from Monty's Wargaming World.  It's lovely, and now I'll be not only able to do desert conflicts, but have a cunning plan that will allow me to use the mat for towns too.  No photo of the mat, because I need to find the time to clear the table off and get some models out and take some pictures.  I will also add that the friendly service of the Desert Rat is second to none.  All round good chap, what, what!


  1. Absolutely love those ships, thanks for sharing the overhead view.

    1. My pleasure. In future I will post both side and top views of the spaceships since it makes it easier to see what one is looking at.
