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Friday 6 February 2015

300 Posts! This is Madness, This is Paint it Pink!

Except green ships again...

Well I've been anticipating this post for a few weeks, and at last my anticipation has been met.  After five years I've reached 300 posts.  Yippee, hip-hip hooray and all that.  What more can I say?  Well if you read Miniature Wargames & Battlegames magazine you may well have seen Henry's editorial content on the internet and blogging, and if you are thinking about joining the bloggerverse his pieces are well worth reading.

Above is the missing spaceship from the nine that I've repainted so far.

Had a problem with the base and had to remount the pole and touch up the paintwork around the hole.  So here it is, and off it will go towards my 2015 Vis Lardica painting challenge total.  For those of you looking at the spaceship and wondering who made it, sorry I can't remember.  What I do remember is that it's a lash-up of parts that I glued together to make something that can work as either a dreadnought, or spy-ship, or in my case a Fleet tender.

NB: Picture changed as feedback suggested my picture wasn't showing the miniature and its colours off to their best.


  1. It looks vaguely GZG-esque....

    1. The parts on the bottom are from GZG, but the core model is something I picked up from somewhere else.

    2. Aha, the plot thickens. Or the thick plottens... it's hard to tell :-)

      Congrats on 300 posts btw!

    3. I was going to say, it looks as though it is based on an old NSL hull

  2. Congratulations on your 300...I'm on a humble hundred-odd so till a long way to go!

    1. Thank you. I'm a bit inconsistent at times not always keeping to at least one post a week, and having fallow periods – still not yet six years and three hundred posts does mean I've averaged slightly more than one per week. I realize that I write a lot, always have, and no doubt always will.

  3. Congrats on the 300 posts and five years of blogging! :)

    1. Cheers Tamsin. You must come round for a meal sometime.

  4. Apparently I need more tea before posting...

    Congratulations and may you have many 300's more.

    1. Tea, our favourite is Ceylon. Very refreshing in the morning. Thank you for commenting, and cheers, or should that be slurp while sipping tea?

  5. So the Neu Swabians sold their old battledreadnought to the breakers, but the breakers turned round and sold it to someone dodgy… don't laugh, it's happened with aircraft carriers.

    1. I know, you can't beat reality for weird occurrences.

  6. Congrats, and that's a fine looking craft.

    Alas, my sub to MW&B ended a couple of months ago right when I was being made redundant, and a renewal sub is one of my top 5 things to get once I'm monied. Do you know if the editorials are something he posts online anywhere?

    1. Not as such, but Henry does post stuff on the MW&B site, which you can reach by simply clicking the image on the left hand side of this page (you may have to scroll up to see it).

  7. Congrats on a great triple-century Ashley!

    1. Thank you. It's a thing isn't it. One of the reason I knew I should take up writing full-time was the amount of words I'd written here, and on my other blogs taht writing was something I just did. So – a writer has gotta write – or something like that. ;-)
