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Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year - 2015

One of my favourite Star War ships along with the Falcon, X-wing etc, etc.  Got to catch them all.

It's that time again, the time I wish all my readers a Happy New Year, and thank each and everyone of you for reading my humble musings and leaving comments here for me to read.  It really feels like I have friends on the net, and given the amount of stuff that goes down on the net, this is all good.  As you can see I received some X-wing stuff and I'm feeling in the mood for more space games, which may mean you'll see pictures of my spaceships at some point.  After all I promised to post them some while back (so long ago I can't remember when even!).

Needed to get this to be able to play with my Rebel Alliance blockade runner.  I sense spaceship combat games are in my future.

As always I'm not making any New Year resolutions, because I know that such things generally are counter productive, unless one is willing to make big changes and drive yourself hard.   For me wargaming is my hobby.  I do it so that I can escape the real world and relax.  Saying that though as I look back over the last year I see I have posted 45 entries to my blog.  Not quite once a week, you'll have to check out my other blog for why (my excuse anyway).

I've covered a lot of topics this year, starting with my Daleks size comparison , which turned out to be a very a popular post.  I've obviously mention Blast-Tastic on several occasions with a report here and here, and of course I managed to get a page in Miniature Wargames & Battlegames about the show too.  Finances allowing, because it costs money to stay in a hotel overnight, which I need to do for a show in Bristol as my rheumatoid arthritis doesn't take kindly to sleep deprivation (or more to the point when I'm tired I don't cope well with the pain), with that caveat in mind my intention is to present another Ogre/GEV again this year at Blast-Tastic.

However, last year was the year of all things Ogre, too many post to link to individually so if you want to see what I did you'll need to click on the Ogre/GEV links under labels.  Of course the real big deal for me was seeing my article that gave a comprehensive seven page overview of Ogre and the new Designers Edition from Steve Jackson Games in Miniature Wargames & Battlegames.  I have the go ahead from Henry to write up the scenario I've been demonstrating all year, with lots of pictures and ideas for campaigns.  However, despite the Ogre/GEV frenzy of 2014 I still managed one post on BattleTech.

What I haven't progressed much is my involvement with Heavy Gear and painting up my VOTOMS, or making up an OPFOR using Dream Pod 9s miniatures.  However Xmas saw some Utopian Golems arrive, and I've dusted off my VOTOMS and have them waiting in line to be painted.  I also have plans to make up some extra mechs to represent combat armour suits in my trilogy, because that's the way I roll.

Other than that I've been to a few shows: Salute, Warfare and Dragonmeet, but missed SELWG due to a friend coming to visit, and Newbury, which wasn't on, so I couldn't go. So, to finish, I wish everyone a fantastic New Year with lots of fun games.


  1. Happy New Year to you too! Look forward to seeing yuo again at Blast-Tastic and hopefully getting in another great game:).

    1. Definitely something to look forward to. Have a good one.

  2. Happy New Year / Feliz Año Nuevo from Spain
    Good to see you've been infected by the X Wing fever, it is a great game.
    I am horrified to realize that I did not played a single game in 2014, a situation I need to change in 2015

    1. The horror, you must do something about that. Even little old me managed a few games of Ogre/GEV.

      Have a Happy More Wargaming New Year

  3. X Wing!

    That's one of my things for 2015 too.


    Happy New Year

    1. Cool... Have a good one, day that is, and year for that matter.

  4. Your Ogre stuff is always a blast to read about, Ashley, and I am looking forward to seeing more VOTOMS stuff! Happy New Year!

    1. Ogre/GEV is a blast to play, because cybertanks, nuclear explosions. It's all one big blast! ;-) And Happy New Year to you too.

  5. My impulse is always to complicate Ogre, but as it stands you can play small games very quickly and large games in sensible time. It's not BattleTech and I shouldn't try to turn it into BattleTech.

    Happy New Year!

    1. True, but little tweaks are OK, like ORBATS and maybe a missile tank variant, and making custom models of Ogres is way cool too. Happy New Year and I'm looking forward to our first game of X-wing at some point. See what I did there?

    2. Me too. And I have ideas about an X-Wing campaign system, a mix of Chaos Campaigns and Thunderbolt/Apache Leader…

      Memo to self, must talk to KR-Case and get storage/transport sorted out for the X-Wing bits.

  6. A good review....and Happy New Year to you also!

    1. Thank you for saying so, I had wondered if I should've put more effort into adding pictures to the links, but life is short and there are so many more much more interesting things to be doing, like assembling Ogre miniatures and watching good films. Happy New Year too.

  7. I have a larger imperial force so if I can make salute this year we could have a game

    1. That would be great. I should have guessed you'd have a large force of X-wing. Didn't think to ask. How silly of me (blush).
