Reference Pages

Saturday 1 March 2014

VOTOMS of Many Sizes


I've been meaning to take a picture of my 1/12th scale Scopedog for a while, but only just got around to it. 

Here it is with a 1/35th, a 1/144th, and a 1/300th versions for you to compare and contrast sizes. I was tempted to consider gaming VOTOMS in 1/35th at tactical VOTOMS-on-VOTOMS level of play. 

However, sanity prevailed, and I've planning on using my 1/144th 12mm models for platoon level actions, and the 1/300th models as mecha in Ogre as special units for a Nihon force.



  1. If only the 1/48th scale Votoms stuff was more readily available/affordable!

    1. I agree, if only. At this moment if only the Takara 1/144 range were more readily available would be something I'd like too. Actually, if only more variety of 1/300 VOTOMS were available that would be a good thing too. I shall email Jon at GZG and remind him to cast up the conversions I gave him that would exactly meet this last if only wish.

  2. Cool, Russian Nesting Votoms! :) I'm guessing they're preparing to annex the Hummanist Alliance state of New Crimea over on Terra Nova.

    1. Yes, now there is an idea, matryoshka mecha. ;-)

      Woulds be a good name for something large that carries drones perhaps?

      Thanks for posting a comment.

  3. Just as a side note, I picked up a few VOTOM models that I hope to use as TAGs (basically power armor suits) for a trial run at the Infinity game once the new edition comes out this summer. I don't know if you've seen this particular site but it is full of unbelieveable 28mm game pics with VOTOMs everywhere.

    1. The Iron Hand site is full of awesome VOTOMS goodness. I'm sure he must have bought the whole 1/48th range that Takara produced. Colour me envious, though to be honest I don't have the room to play with such large models.

  4. I think alot of his stuff from the models article he has up is gashapon which from the pics look about 1/60th. They're a bit smallish next to the 40k figs he has in some of the pics but they're fine at eyeball arm's length range for me... or at least that is what I'm hoping since I bought a couple. *fingers crossed*
