Reference Pages

Thursday 6 February 2014

Dalek Size Comparison

I posted here about the Daleks one can now get by buying a copy of Risk, see here for details.  When I posted my news on TMP a while back there was a general discussion that revealed a third option, namely using Dr Who mobile phone charms that offer Daleks.  So I went and bought one and have taken a size comparison picture for you all to judge for yourselves.

So from left to right we have a Dalek from Risk that measures 16mm, my white metal Daleks that are 14mm, and the mobile charm Dalek that measure 18mm.

Without doubt the latter is rather charming, if you will pardon the pun, being prepainted and all.  However, the cheapest I've seen was around £2 per figure, and up to £8 per figure, or even more if you try and buy them from Germany.  That's $3 to $12 dollars per miniature for my American readers.  At the cheaper end for a nicely painted model it's steep, but bearable.  Above that I think you would have to have more money than sense to go down this route.

The Risk Daleks are plain, need work to add details, and of course painting.  However, for £40, or about $60 equivalent I guess, you would get 126 New Who Daleks, and 84 New Paradigm Daleks too.  On the bangs per buck level this is quite attractive, but remember you have to finish and paint them.

I think I shall keep an eye out for more cheap Dr Who mobile phone charms, because with a bit of modification to the base they could be reduced in height enough to be compatible with my white metal Daleks.


  1. Have to admit I am thinking about buying the game. Any chance of a size comparison pic?

    1. Do what? A size comparison of what with what?

  2. Where did you get the white metal Dalek from please?

    1. See here:

      These were offered to me thirty years ago by a friend who had them made for a demo game. A one off production run, never to be repeated. He knows who he is, as do I, but I shal never tell.

    2. Much the same source as my 15mm metal Daleks then, as well :)

    3. Any pictures of yours to see?

  3. If your doing requests for size comparisons...can I see a ....... :)

    I like the risk one to be honest

    1. I've also been thinking how to improve them too using lace pins etc.
