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Saturday 29 June 2013

Ghost in the Blog


Been a while since I posted anything and you can blame it all on my current obsession with writing novels.  If you want to know more then go here.  My plan, muwahaha, is to write three first drafts of three novels and then go back and rewrite them as my way of ascending the learning curve that is becoming a novelist.

Anyway,  I thought I'd mention I've been watching Girls Und Panzers*, which for those of you who do not follow such things is a Japanese anime show about school girls learning the martial art of Panzerfahren (the sport of driving tanks).  It's every bit as zany, off the wall mad that one comes to expect from Japan, and is a hoot.  In fact I thought about playing games based on Girls Und Panzers using TooFat Lardies Chain of Command rules, if only for shits and giggles.

Good news for Henry, if he is reading this, is that I have now played enough games of Dropzone Commander that I feel confident in submitting my review to Miniature Wargames.  That should be winging its way by email any day now.  I like the game, but you'll have to wait to read the review in the magazine to know more.

*I know that the post title is an allusion to Ghost in the Shell and really doesn't have a direct like to Girls Und Panzers, but given you all might be thinking I'd given up the ghost on this blog I thought it apposite.


  1. I saw you'd been quiet on the blog and guessed you were working on the novels.

    DZC does look interesting, but I need another project like a hole in the head. Plus I've got enough 15mm & 25mm SF and starships unpainted to fill two 9l Really Useful Boxes

    1. Me too, which is why I won't be travelling down that path as I have enough unpainted stuff to last me the rest of my life at the current rate I'm painting stuff. :-)

  2. I remember this show, I think I only watched about half of it before Psycho Pass came along and took my attention (if you haven't heard of it, its a bit like Ghost in the Shell with its cyberpunk style, but with less of the transhumanism). I think I may start watching Girls und Panzer again as it was quite entertaining. Seeing it being wargamed would be hilarious, although it would be hard to find models for the girls themselves i'll bet, depending on the scale.

    1. I could see a group like the South London Warlords doing it in 54mm scale. The question would be how to get them interested in doing it though? >:)

    2. Heh, if by some miracle they did agree to do it in 1/32 i'd be happy to modify some of my sherman tanks to have removable cupolas so I could have normal crew or high school girl crew :P

    3. I think that one of the Japanse kit makers has also released versions of the tanks as models too.

  3. I think to game this you'd want people to have some mechanism for doing implausible heroic things -- cards maybe? The rules of the game aren't entirely clear; it seems that you can bring as many tanks as your team can afford...

  4. How interested would I be in a Girls und Panzers CoC game?
    Let me introduce the book I will buy next payday:

  5. It would seem 15mm may well be an option soon, sooner if y'all jump on board ;-)

  6. I got a bit fed up with the HGB! rules, the Pod, and the forums, and have kind of started to delve back into Battletech, which oddly enough led to your blog off a web search for streamlining topics.

    I did give credit where I could remember seeing ideas mentioned [ ]

    Did you all ever delve more into variable damage for autocannons and simplified movement?

    1. I think the getting fed up with stuff happens to us all. I never did the work on the autocannons as I only got as far as simplifying the combat and movement, which you can read about in the battle reports.
