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Saturday 24 November 2012

Dragonmeet 2012 in One Week

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I am helping to run the OGRE demo at Dragonmeet that takes place on the 1st of December at the Kensington Town Hall. I go most years to this show, and this year I am providing the miniatures for rolling out the new 6th Designers Edition of OGRE.

On that note here are some more pictures from when I went to Cambridge in August to help out Daniel Jew, the new line editor for OGRE, running demo games at Congenial. First up Saturday, where I arrived around midday.

And then it goes KaaBooom... Gareth is holding back the laughter. It's just the way I tell them.
A case of studied anticipation by all three parties,with me being patriotic, and all, in my Stars & Stripe top. I was helping Peter, the player on the left, against the predations of Gareth's Combine Ogre incursion into the Pan European Area of Operations on the Saturday afternoon. Gareth has a cunning plan, judging by the smile on his face.
And here we have a sequence that goes something like me "and then we do this and that, ". Peter smiling "that sounds good". Me, "Ooh, I've just seen something... we could reach out and crush all our enemies that stand before us in one swell swoop".

Sunday I was there bright and early and bushy tailed dressed in black to better fit in with the prevailing colour palette at the convention.

Sunday, wishing that I had an OGRE T-shirt like Gareth's wearing. Anyway, I'm pointing out to one of our first time players where I thought he should go next, and explaining the why's and wherefore's of the choice. It's all about using ridges to block the conventional forces. I have no doubt that Gareth on the left is of course trying to think of counter moves.

This picture is one of several that Daniel took over the weekend that just shows how much fun I was having. Gareth was a great MIB agent to be with. The games were just a blast to play. Using Daniel's miniatures for the demo games really made the difference for me, especially seeing how he used magnets for the turrets etc..
Daniel on the left, off to be the line editor, and Gareth on the right, at the end of Congenial. Smiles say it all really. Oh how we laughed at the fact that Gareth had become a zombie, having had the top of his head cut-off earlier in the day.
 So, I hope to see all those who can make it at Dragonmeet on Saturday the 1st of December.

1 comment:

  1. Black is so slimming... and hell, I'm a zombie even with all my body parts before my first cuppa in the morning.

    Good pics. Also, the most we've seen of the lissome yet intimidating Pink in a while. I like the colonial colors of the first day. Rah rah you ess ah! A competent gamer girl... it's like spotting a white buffalo calf.

