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Monday 1 October 2012

VOTOMS in 6mm

I've been re-watching all my VOTOMS anime over the last week or so, and above is the opening scene from the Pailsen FIles, and what can I say? What's not to like? Tell me you weren't humming along by the end of this? Even if you are not a fan of giant robots, surely the scene of hundreds of them marching was impressive?

I'm afraid this lead to one of those bright and shiny distracting moments that happen to us all. One minute working on painting miniatures for OGRE/GEV, then the next minute I'm browsing the internet for VOTOMS and ordering some Hound Dogs miniatures (loosely inspired by Scope Dogs from VOTOMS) from GZG.

Aren't they cute? More VOTOMs stuff to come later.

Oh just in case you want to listen to the full version of the opening song from VOTOMS The Pailsen FIles, here it is:

Needless to say really, but I'll say it anyway, I've now find myself inexorably drawn towards another giant stompy robot game, Dream Pod 9s Heavy Gear. Oh boy.


  1. (blink)(blink) CGI VOTOMS?!? I think I've died and gone to geek heaven!

  2. these are cool, I have a few in the stash somewhere.

  3. To buy those from GZG and get some paint on them. Oh, and do all those mods too.

    1. If only you knew the half of it...

      Let me just say obsessive compulsive model maker, and leave it at that.

  4. We're all a little OCD.. I just ordered a bunch of fleet scale space fighters, just because..

  5. The VOTOMS group on Facebook would love to see this!

    1. There is a VOTOMS group. I.. must... go... join... it... now!

  6. Very cool Ashley. I am not versed in the ways of Me h (I confess I had to look up what a Votom is online) but I can see the attraction of a bunch of stomps robots with a metal soundtrack. I sat with a crusty old infantry colonel last year and listened as he talked about how he was helping some defence research types understand what the army would want to see in a battlefield robot. He was quite keen on the idea which surprised me as he seemed to be a traditional warrior type. It was fascinating. He would have loved this video.

    1. Thanks Mike for letting me know that. I see VOTOMS mecha as embodying the best of both infantry and armour in one package that can be delivered to a battlefield near you. I'm working on a TFL mecha game for doing this too.

  7. Great conversions, you have inspired me too buy another pack of GZG Fat Boy walkers and try some myself.

    1. Good stuff. I want to get some of the Fatties and Tortoise/Turtles for use with OGRE/GEV 1/300 stuff. There are some Mecha rules for use with OGRE on the SJG site I want to try out.

  8. As much as I love big, stompy robot walkers, I can only see them as being rocket magnets for infantry crews and attack helos.
