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Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Christmas Score

Yep, no picture of our Christmas tree this year for reasons that fall under boring real life problems sucking the life out of living.

Instead, what we scored; that's what I got for the two of us. The only exceptions are Just Stab me Now, which I bought for Susan, who has her nose in it now. So, good choice. The other was the book Solo Wargaming for yours truly.

We've got older DVDs of the movies, but as we have a most excellent sound system, courtesy of Susan, and a big screen, Blu-rays really do look better than DVDs (480i versus 1080p resolution).

However, I have finished some painting, despite everything dragging me down, I just haven't gotten around to taking any pictures of said models. Some will come, at some point in the not too distant future.

So that's all folks. Hope you all had a good Christmas.